Compiling libtaucs.a for Mac OS X 10.6

Alec Jacobson

July 12, 2010


This was my second attempt at compiling taucs for a mac. After some frustrating compiling and recompiling, I think I've figured out how to do it. In the taucs directory:
cp config/ config/
Then edit the following lines in config/ to look like this:
LIBBLAS   = -framework Accelerate
LIBLAPACK = -framework Accelerate
Remove the libf2c.a file if it came with your taucs distribution:
rm external/lib/libf2c.a
Follow these instructions for downloading and using the script. This will install the libf2c.a file in /usr/local/lib/ Download the metis source and build it. For me this just meant issuing make. Then copy the libmetis.a file from the metis directory to the taucs directory (change paths accordingly):
cp metis-4.0/libmetis.a taucs/external/lib/libmetis.a
Finally in the taucs directory you can configure and make:
Update: The above solution produces a 64-bit, x86_64 library on a 10.6 mac machine. Unfortunately I need a 32-bit, i386 library (or universal) because Qt still defaults to 32-bits.