Ambient occlusion for matlab pseudo-color plots

Alec Jacobson

October 13, 2013


I'm often plotting scalar functions on surfaces using the trisurf routine of matlab. This has basic per-vertex, per-face coloring. And with some hassle you could even set up lights. Instead I've settled on a better way to convey the shape of the surface and the function by multiply the colors with the inverse of the mesh's ambient occlusion. I wrote a matlab wrapper mex function for our libigl function. Find it in libigl/examples/ambient-occlusion-mex (version ≥0.3.4). Once compiled you can call from matlab it like this:

S = ambient_occlusion(V,F,P,N,num_samples);

Where (V,F) is your triangle mesh, P are the evaluation points and N are the normals (defining a hemisphere).

Here's an example of multiplying it against some pseudo-color values:

ambient occlusion over pseudo color plot matlab

For computing ambient occlusion per-vertex and then applying it to per-vertex colors, use:

AO = ambient_occlusion(V,F,V,per_vertex_normals(V,F),1000);

Update: If you have a scalar field and you'd like to visualize it using ambient occlusion on top of a pseudo-color, try:
