Reshape 3D array to match expected anova2 input

Alec Jacobson

December 19, 2013


The anova2 function of MATLAB allows you to load in observations across two conditions with repetitions. The input format is a little funny though. I would expect to store this data in a 3D m-by-n-by-p array where m is the number of variants across condition B, n is the number of variants across condition A and p is the number of repetitions (actually I would expect the rows to be called "A" and columns "B" but help anova2 labels them this way, so I will, too). However, MATLAB expects repetitions to come as rows under each corresponding variant of condition B.

So to reshape a m-by-n-by-p matrix X use:

Y = reshape(permute(X,[3 1 2]),size(X,1)*size(X,3),size(X,2));

then you can call:

p = anova2(Y,size(X,3));

Update: Here's a nasty Anonymous Function:

to_anova = @(X) reshape(permute(X(:,:,:),[3 1 2]),size(X,1)*size(X,3)*size(X,4),size(X,2));

then you can call:

p = anova2(to_anova(X),size(X,3));