Classic bump deformation example mesh

Alec Jacobson

June 28, 2014


This is code I end up re-writing every once in a while to demonstrate k-harmonic deformation on a simple 2d domain. The domain is just a square. This codes meshes the domain so that two inner circles show up in the edge set. Then I can select the vertices on and outside the outer circle and on and inside the inner circle to create a bump.

R = 1;
r = 0.15;
outer_sam = 200;
inner_sam = ceil(outer_sam/R*r);
inner_theta = linspace(0,2*pi,inner_sam+1)';
outer_theta = linspace(0,2*pi,outer_sam+1)';
P_inner = r*[cos(inner_theta(2:end)) sin(inner_theta(2:end))];
P_outer = R*[cos(outer_theta(2:end)) sin(outer_theta(2:end))];
E_inner = [1:size(P_inner,1);2:size(P_inner,1) 1]';
E_outer = [1:size(P_outer,1);2:size(P_outer,1) 1]';
P_bb = 1.1*[-R -R;-R R;R R;R -R];
E_bb = [1 2;2 3;3 4;4 1];
[P_bb,E_bb] = resample_polygon(P_bb,E_bb,2*pi*R/outer_sam);
P = [P_inner;P_outer;P_bb];
E = [E_inner;size(P_inner,1)+[E_outer;size(P_outer,1)+E_bb]];
[V,F] = triangle(P,E,[],'Flags',sprintf('-Yq32a%0.17f',(2*pi*R/outer_sam)^2),'Quiet'); 

bump domain matlab