Coffee Shop Compiler

Alec Jacobson

December 15, 2014


Here's a proposal for a compiler/build system for developers like myself who often find themselves coding in a coffee shop with strong wifi connection, but poor power outlet availability and limited battery life.

The standard coding and debugging cycle looks like:

  1. Code for a bit
  2. Think for a bit
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a bit
  4. Compile (make)
  5. If compile failed return to step 2
  6. Run executable
  7. Return to step 2

The power bottleneck (for my typical cycle) is by far step 4. My idea is to outsource compiling to a server (plugged into a wall outlet). The naive implementation would change the cylce to:

  1. Code for a bit
  2. Think for a bit
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a bit
  4. compile on server
    1. send code to server
    2. compile on server
    3. if compile failed, send back errors and return to 2
    4. send back executable
  5. Run executable
  6. Return to step 2

A better implementation might roll git into the make command on the local machine:

  1. Code for a bit
  2. Think for a bit
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a bit
  4. special make
    1. git commit; git push on client
    2. git pull on server
    3. regular make on server
    4. if compile failed, send back errors and return to 2
    5. send back executable
  5. Run executable
  6. Return to step 2

An even fancier implementation might try to keep the changing files in sync during idle time in step 2.

I guess this is assuming my executable is relatively small. Here dynamic (shared) libraries would be especially handy.


December 15, 2014, Colin
Why not just do all the steps on the server?