Conservative voxelization in gptoolbox

Alec Jacobson

November 03, 2015


A while ago I implemented a function to voxelize a given triangle mesh in matlab as part of gptoolbox. Rather than use 3D-Bresenham-style rasterization, I needed a conservative voxelization: where every point (not just vertex) on the mesh is contained inside the voxelization. In other words, output all voxels that intersect the triangle mesh.

Here's a little snippet to produce the following meshes:

for k = [10 20 40 80]
  [W,BC,DV,Q] = voxelize(V,F,k,'Pad',1);
  [DV,I] = remove_unreferenced(DV,Q);
  Q = I(Q);
  d = render_in_cage(V,F,DV,Q,'ColorIntersections',false); = 2;

big alien model voxelized big alien model voxelized big alien model voxelized big alien model voxelized