Write a triangle mesh to xml file in libigl using Eigen matrix templated on CGAL's Exact Kernel

Alec Jacobson

December 17, 2015


Lately I've been working with CGAL and its arbitrary precision kernel. These are convenient, but writing to standard floating point precision mesh file formats requires rounding. Here's a relatively straightforward way of using libigl's existing xml serialization routines to write an Eigen matrix tempalated on the CGAL Exact kernels number type (e.g. a matrix of vertex positions) to an xml file (using ASCII or base64 binary encoding).

Notice that there's a bit of gnarly template specialization that needs to be done inside the igl::xml::serialization_xml namespace. The structure of the libigl xml serialization code is unfortunately not very flexible.

#include <igl/xml/serialize_xml.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <iostream>

typedef CGAL::Epeck::FT EScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<EScalar,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXE;

namespace igl
  namespace xml
    namespace serialization_xml
      template <> inline void serialize(
        const MatrixXE & obj,
        tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc,
        tinyxml2::XMLElement* element,
        const std::string& name)
        const std::function<std::string(const MatrixXE::Scalar &) > to_string = 
          [](const MatrixXE::Scalar & v)->std::string
      template <> inline void deserialize(
        MatrixXE & obj,
        const tinyxml2::XMLDocument* doc,
        const tinyxml2::XMLElement* element,
        const std::string& name)
        const std::function<void(const std::string &,MatrixXE::Scalar &)> & 
          from_string = 
          [](const std::string & s, MatrixXE::Scalar & v)

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  // Little 4-vertex, 2-face mesh with rational coordinates
  MatrixXE V(4,3),W;
    EScalar(1)/EScalar(3),  EScalar(1)/EScalar(13), EScalar(1)/EScalar(7),
    EScalar(1)/EScalar(7),  EScalar(1)/EScalar(3),  EScalar(1)/EScalar(13),
    EScalar(1)/EScalar(13), EScalar(1)/EScalar(7),  EScalar(1)/EScalar(3),
    EScalar(1)/EScalar(13), EScalar(1)/EScalar(7), -EScalar(1)/EScalar(3);
  MatrixXi F(2,3),G;

  // Write mesh
  const bool binary = false;
  // Write vertices, overwriting file (true)
  // Write faces to same file, appending (false)

  // Read mesh

  // Verify 
  cout<<"V "<<(V.isApprox(W,0) ? "equals" : "does not equal")<<" W"<<endl;

Here's a little feeling for the overhead of this format on a big single-precision mesh cast to the exact kernel (the expressions are simple and short, so this is sort of a best case scenario):

|           | .ply|.xml ascii|.xml binary| .obj|
|File size: |172MB|     511MB|      330MB|288MB|
|Zip size:  |  68M|     134MB|       74MB| 81MB|
|Read time: |   8s|      270s|         9s|  32s|
|Write time:|  13s|       46s|        13s|  28s|