Save As Optimized PDF using Acrobat Pro via the command line

Alec Jacobson

January 02, 2016


Here's a tremendously hacky way to automate the procedure of optimizing a PDF using Acrobat Pro (with default settings) from the command line. It's an applescript sending mouse clicks and keyboard signals so don't get too excited.

However, I'm doing this all the time and it will hopefully save clicking through menus.

on run argv
    if (count of argv) < 2 then
        do shell script "echo " & "\"optimizepdf path/to/input.pdf simple-output-name\""
        set p to item 1 of argv
        set out_name to item 2 of argv
        set abs to do shell script "[[ \"" & p & "\" = /* ]] && echo \"" & p & "\" || echo \"$PWD/\"" & p & "\"\""
        set a to POSIX file abs
        tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
            open a
            tell application "System Events"
                click menu item "Optimized PDF..." of ((process "Acrobat")'s (menu bar 1)'s ¬
                    (menu bar item "File")'s (menu "File")'s ¬
                    (menu item "Save As")'s (menu "Save As"))
                tell process "Acrobat"
                    keystroke return
                    keystroke out_name
                    keystroke return
                    keystroke "r" using {command down}
                end tell
            end tell
            close document 1
        end tell
    end if
end run

Then you can run this with something like:

optimizepdf path/to/input.pdf simple-output-name

overwrite warning: this will overwrite the output file (and potentially files named similarly if the keystrokes fail or get garbled).

Oddly, it seems to work fastest if the input document is not already open in acrobat pro.

This code above is written for Acrobat Pro Version 10.1.16.

Update: Here's a legacy version for Acrobat Pro Version 9.5.1

on run argv
    if (count of argv) < 2 then
        do shell script "echo " & "\"optimizepdf path/to/input.pdf simple-output-name\""
        set p to item 1 of argv
        set out_name to item 2 of argv
        set abs to do shell script "[[ \"" & p & "\" = /* ]] && echo \"" & p & "\" || echo \"$PWD/\"" & p & "\"\""
        set a to POSIX file abs
        tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
            open a
            tell application "System Events"
                click menu item "PDF Optimizer..." of ((process "Acrobat")'s (menu bar 1)'s ¬
                    (menu bar item "Advanced")'s (menu "Advanced"))
                tell process "Acrobat"
                    keystroke return
                    keystroke out_name
                    keystroke return
                    keystroke "r" using {command down}
                end tell
            end tell
            close document 1
        end tell
    end if
end run

Note: You may have to enable scripts to use keystrokes.