Make all local variables available on the matlab command line

Alec Jacobson

October 31, 2019


MATLAB is great for prototyping. Certain things are done so well. Anonymous functions are not one of them. Anonymous functions (e.g., myquicktestfun = @(X,Y) X+Y; can be declared in a script (or from command line) workspace (nice for rapid prototyping), but they must be one-liners. This is so dumb, and probably only explainable as a result of some legacy syntax design/parsing mistake. Often you can do some gymnastics to condense a bunch of lines into one. If you can't then you need to literally make a file with the name of your function (e.g., myquicktestfun.m) or you have to move your and populate it with your lines. This is anti-thical to rapid prototyping. And not just for the obvious reason that it's cumbersome and tedious to open a bunch of temporary files. The issue I ran into today is that it make it difficult to debug.

Consider I'm prototyping the following test_script.m:

A = 1;
B = 2;
myfun = @(X,Y) X+Y;
C = myfun(A,B);

Now, suppose I'd like to replace X+Y with two lines [~,Z] = someotherfun(Y); X+Z. Since Z comes as the second output argument I can't easily smoosh this into a one-liner (this is an example; there are many other reasons why you might need/want multiple lines in a function... duh!). So I'm either forced to make a new file myfun.m or to convert my test_script.m into test_fun.m and then I can declare myfun as a multi-line function:

function test_fun
  A = 1;
  B = 2;
  function res = myfun(X,Y)
    [~,Z] = someotherfun(Y);
    res = X+Z;
  C = myfun(A,B);

Converting the script to a function might be the way to go if I have lots of anonymous functions that may need to be turned into real, multi-line functions and I don't want to manage a bunch of .m files.

However, I've ruined the rapid prototyping nature of my script. When I was using test_script, after execution or upon an error I'm reset to the command line workspace. This has an important difference with the (awkward) debugger state that I'd need to use if I want access to all the variables introduced in the code above. For example, if I add a breakpoint or the line keyboard in the function above:

function test_fun
  A = 1;
  B = 2;
  function res = myfun(X,Y)
    [~,Z] = someotherfun(Y);
    res = X+Z;
  C = myfun(A,B);

I'll have read access to variables A, B, and C so I can print out their values or pass them to functions (e.g., visualization etc.). But I cannot introduce a new variable,

K>> err = A+B - C;
Attempt to add "err" to a static workspace.
 See Variables in Nested and Anonymous Functions.`

Booo. This is just as frustrating as one-linear anonymous functions. I can access variables, call functions (which assign their own internal variables), but can't assign a variable. I'd be happy even with a temporary "debug workspace" (maybe this exists?).

To remedy this, I developed an absurd, very MATLABberish, workaround. If I add the following line to my script (or execute it within the debugger), then all local variables will be added to the command line's workspace:

cellfun(@(v) assignin('base',v,evalin('caller',v)),who);

So then from the command line I can issue:

>>> test_fun(); A A = 1 B A = 2

Note: I must include the obligatory concession that most languages handle anonymous functions correctly in this regard (Python, Ruby, C++11, etc.). AFAIK, MATLAB is the only language that screwed this up.