Test ssh connection speed

Alec Jacobson

November 19, 2009


Having a few different ssh hosts these days it's become convenient to be able to test my upload and download transfer rates. Here's my SSH speed test bash script. It uses dd to generate a test file then uses scp to test the transfer rates across the network.

# scp-speed-test.sh
# Author: Alec Jacobson alecjacobsonATgmailDOTcom
# Test ssh connection speed by uploading and then downloading a 10000kB test
# file (optionally user-specified size)
# Usage:
#   ./scp-speed-test.sh user@hostname [test file size in kBs]


# Optional: user specified test file size in kBs
if test -z "$2"
  # default size is 10kB ~ 10mB

# generate a 10000kB file of all zeros
echo "Generating $test_size kB test file..."
`dd if=/dev/zero of=$test_file bs=$(echo "$test_size*1024" | bc) \
  count=1 &> /dev/null`

# upload test
echo "Testing upload to $ssh_server..."
up_speed=`scp -v $test_file $ssh_server:$test_file 2>&1 | \
  grep "Bytes per second" | \
  sed "s/^[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*$/\1/g"`
up_speed=`echo "($up_speed*0.0009765625*100.0+0.5)/1*0.01" | bc`

# download test
echo "Testing download from $ssh_server..."
down_speed=`scp -v $ssh_server:$test_file $test_file 2>&1 | \
  grep "Bytes per second" | \
  sed "s/^[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*$/\2/g"`
down_speed=`echo "($down_speed*0.0009765625*100.0+0.5)/1*0.01" | bc`

# clean up
echo "Removing test file on $ssh_server..."
`ssh $ssh_server "rm $test_file"`
echo "Removing test file locally..."
`rm $test_file`

# print result
echo ""
echo "Upload speed:   $up_speed kB/s"
echo "Download speed: $down_speed kB/s"

Note: I'm still looking for a good way to test general internet upload and download speed via the command line... Save it in a file called scp-speed-test.sh. Then run it with the command:

bash scp-speed-test.sh user@hostname