Super Transformation (new Silverlight/XNA game)

Alec Jacobson

December 13, 2009


super transformation help screen

Super Transformation is a new in-browser XNA/Silverlight game written by Murphy Stein, Alec Jacobson and Yongming Hong with music by Midicent. The player draws gestures with the mouse to drop transformation portals into a 2D world. The player must use these portals to navigate to each level's exit door.

We submitted this game to the Games 4 Learning Institute Game Design Challenge 2009.

Super Transformation aims to teach 2D transformations as they appear on the New York State 8th grade Standardized Math Test. Through demonstration and experimentation in the first few levels of Super Transformation, players become aware of the effects of simple horizontal and vertical reflection and clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation. In later levels --- as the game play becomes more challenging --- the understanding of and familiarity with these transformations builds. Players reinforce their own learning because 2D transformation (aka the learning task) is not only built into the gameplay, it is the gameplay. This game uses animations I posted earlier: dude and worm. Play it now! Leave suggestions etc. below this post.