How to create a silverlight xna game (using silverarcade)

Alec Jacobson

March 01, 2010


Also, useful if you want to convert your existing XNA game to a silverlight app. The silverarcade libraries help you keep most of you existing XNA code intact. I'll assume that you are using Visual Studio and have all the proper Silverlight SDK stuff installed (if you haven't, good luck. It took me way too long to figure that out. Maybe I will post details if I ever recover). I typed up these instructions after my first conversion and have followed them to get few of my own games converted. So hopefully they will help you, too:

Important notes:

When adding content you must click each image file/etc. and go to properties and change Build action to Content. .wav files are not allowed as silversprite audio, must use mp3 or wav Don't need graphics.applyChanges() line when requesting preferred size